give me a break
there's already a million of these on here. yours is nothing new or different. maybe if you actually made an effort to do something NEW with this other than adding an intro, it would be cool.
give me a break
there's already a million of these on here. yours is nothing new or different. maybe if you actually made an effort to do something NEW with this other than adding an intro, it would be cool.
follow my finger....follow my finger....keep ur eyes on it...
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great job.
you should make a sequel concerning her superbowl stunt now. :) that would rock.
you rock! these are SO funny!
it was refreshing to see a change from the usual flash animations on this website. almost everything here is either all violence of toon porn. great job making something interesting.
it wasn't too impressed until the end, that's an awesome ending! LMAO!!!!!
Age 40, Male
Webcomic Artist
Angel Grove High School
Tula, OK
Joined on 12/27/03